Accidental Vision

I am using the telescope, the spine and the clock, figuratively, to investigate time-passing, time-perceived, and time-future. Trauma forces the work into a sudden and dramatic contemplation of mortality, vulnerability, and fragility. Time, once indefinite, now confronts an end.

The Boston Globe Review

Accidental Vision, Installation View, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Light Keep, 2001

Left to Right
Accidental Vision, 2001, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Installation View
Light Keep, 2001, transparent mirror, light bulb, steel, 60h x 9w x 9d inches

Accidental Vision, 2001, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Refractor, off, neon

Refractor (off), 2001, glass, lenses, neon and steel, 44h x 36w x 9d inches

Accidental Vision, 2001, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Refractor, on, neon

Refractor (on), 2001, glass, lenses, neon and steel, 44h x 36w x 9d inches

Accidental Vision, 2001, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Collector

Collector, 2001, glass, glass rods and steel, 44h x 48w x 9d inches

Accidental Vision, 2001, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Reflector

Reflector, 2001, glass, mirror and steel, 44h x 48w x 9d inches


Time-Shift, 2006