
Time–Shift, an installation of light and reflection, draws the viewer beneath the surface of familiar shapes and objects, exploring light’s effect on time and space. The title, “Time–Shift” refers to the suspension of linear time, the “gradual instant” or interstice between light and dark.

The Boston Globe Review

Time and Time Again, 2006, transparent mirror, clock movements, light, wood, 36h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Time and Time Again, detail

Time and Time Again (detail #1), 2006, transparent mirror, clock movements, light, wood, 36h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Time and Time Again, detail

Time and Time Again (detail #2), 2006, transparent mirror, clock movements, light, wood, 36h x 8w x 8d inches


Dissolve (Orb #1), 2006, mirror/glass, light, wood, 55h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Dissolve, Orb 1, detail 1

Dissolve (Orb #1) (detail #1), 2006, mirror/glass, light, wood, 55h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Dissolve, Orb 1, detail 2

Dissolve (Orb #1) (detail #2), 2006, mirror/glass, light, wood, 55h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Dissolve, Orb 2, detail 1

Dissolve (Orb #2) (detail #1), 2006, mirror/glass, light, wood, 55h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Dissolve, Orb 1, Orb 2, Orb 3

Dissolve (Orb #1–#3), 2006, mirror/glass, light, wood, 55h x 8w x 8d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Time Reversal, detail 1

Time Reversal (detail #1), 2006, mirror glass, fluorescent light, wood, 67h x 14w x 14d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Time Reversal, detail 2

Time Reversal (detail #2), 2006, mirror glass, fluorescent light, wood, 67h x 14w x 14d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Well, detail

Well (detail), 2006, mirror glass, fluorescent light, wood, 14h x 14w x 14d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Halos in Waiting, detail

Halos in Waiting (detail), 2006, mirror glass, fluorescent light, wood, 84h x 14w x 14d inches


Halos in Waiting, 2006, mirror glass, fluorescent light, wood, 84h x 14w x 14d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Loop

Loop, 2006, mirror glass, neon light, 6h x 6w x 36d inches

Time Shift, 2006, Boston Sculptors Gallery, Loop, detail

Loop (detail), 2006, mirror glass, neon light, 6h x 6w x 36d inches


There, 2008


Accidental Vision, 2001